Nous pouvons également offrir notre assistance pour vos besoins d 'achat et de vente de biens immobiliers commerciaux qui consistent en appartements résidentiels à logements multiples, Les centres commerciaux, les immeubles de bureaux et leur utilisation mixte. Pour les développeurs, nous pouvons rechercher des terrains vacants ou des propriétés de réaménagement possibles.
We would be pleased to offer our assistance for your buying and selling needs for residential real estate that consist of homes, condos, duplexes and multiplexes. We will search for what your interests are, schedule visits to the property and help you negotiate your promise to purchase. We will advise you throughout so that you best understand the process so that you remain at ease.
We can also offer our assistance for your buying and selling needs for commercial revenue real estate that consist of muti - unit residential apartments, commercial shopping centers, office buildings and the mix use thereof. For developers we can seek out vacant land or possible redevelopment properties.
We can evaluate your property and discuss a value sale price that reflects the market value of your property.
We would be pleased to handle the sale should you have a number of properties so that each property is treated so that you can maximize your sale potential.